There are about 9.4 million children in the United States with special health care needs and 17.6 percent of children with special health care needs are Latino children ages 0 to 17. Unfortunately, Latino children are more likely to face negative health, academic, and social outcomes compared to White non-Hispanic children. To address this problem, KDHRC created Puentes.

Puentes or “Bridges” in English is an online professional development course that prepares promotores de salud to support parents of children with special health care needs. Puentes improves promotores’ skills and knowledge to support parents in navigating the health care and school system to secure educational accommodations and improve outcomes.

In the online professional development course, promotores are guided by the course facilitator, Natalia Gomez, through five lessons:

  • Understanding the Impact of Special Health Care Needs on Latino Children
  • Navigating the Health Care System
  • Navigating the School System
  • Maximizing School Success for Children with Special Health Care Needs
  • Resolving Conflicts with Schools

The lessons consist of videos, handouts, quizzes and scenario-based learning that allows promotores to practice their skills and knowledge.

Puentes was created by KDH Research & Communication with funding from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (grant number 1 R44 MD012412). Its content is solely the responsibility of KDHRC and does not necessarily represent the official views of National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities or the National Institutes of Health.


KDH Research & Communication (KDHRC) is a research and communication firm. KDHRC develops, implements, and evaluates bilingual community health worker programs on many topics. KDHRC conducts rigorous research to explore complex social problems and designs and tailors’ programs specific to a community’s needs that improve the health and well-being of a community’s youth and families. Please visit the KDHRC website at www.kdhrc.com.